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After the Fires Booklet

The impacts of the 2019-20 black summer bushfires on the wellbeing of emergency services personnel

After the Fires set out to investigate the impacts of the Black Summer bushfires on the mental health and wellbeing of Australia’s emergency services personnel involved in the fire response. The study focused on volunteers and employees working within fire and rescue, rural fire, and state emergency service (SES) agencies.

Two surveys were conducted in 2020-21 and 2021-22.

The full report and additional information is at:

Download summary booklet

New partner Knox & Associates

Knox & Associates will provide ongoing service offers to SA SES volunteers, with fixed and capped fess on legal services. Based in the CBD, Knox & Associates service all areas of South Australia.

Whilst specialising in traffic and criminal law, child protection and wills and estates, Knox & Associates can also assist with general civil law enquiries.

Visit Knox & Associates website

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