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Archived News


The Annual General Meeting of the SASESVA will be held on Sunday 19 November and papers are now in the members only section.

Article: For over 40 years, one man’s career has been defined by helping others

South Australia’s Jim Debnam takes enormous pride in donning his orange uniform and helping his community through the South Coast unit of the SASES.

Jim has been on the frontline for as long as he can remember, beginning his career serving in the military before making the transition to the police force for 17 years. Now semi-retired and living in Port Elliot on the Fleurieu Peninsula, Jim is once again happily helping others.

See the full article on

Police Credit Union supports units

As a part of its partnership with the SASESVA the Police Credit Union has provided 20 Nepresso machines to units throughout the state. The recipients are extremely pleased with the gift.

Volunteer Charter signed 18 May 2022

The updated Volunteer Charter was signed at Old Parliament House on Wednesday 18 May by the Premier, Minister for Eeency Services, SAFECOM, SASES and the Association. A key element is the commitment for consultation with volunteers. Copy is in our About section.

The Minister for Emergency Services thanks our volunteers

The Hon Joe Szakacs passes on his sincere thanks for your efforts during the recent extreme weather event.

Victorian Conduct and Culture Survey August 2021

A report that should be read by all volunteers

Vale Brian Hunter

29 August 1959 – 23 January 2022

Brian joined the SES in 1981 as a member of the Mitcham Unit, (later known as Metro South), however some opposed him joining because of concerns about potential dangers for him and other volunteers due to the fact that he had mild Downs Syndrome.

The late Keith Lane became Brian’s sponsor and a push was made for him to be able to join the SES.

Brian was regarded at Metro South as one of the most reliable and inspiring individuals for the way he always gave anything a go.

When noted for an Emergency Services Medal, Brian outstandingly met all criteria for recognition and using words from the national criteria, he extended tolerance, justice and fairness to all his peers and the community he served.

Alas, sometimes because of his disability, it was not always reciprocated but this never deterred him from his continued persistence to bridge and remove barriers, especially with his peers. It is true fortitude and a beautiful philosophy on life.

Brian always made himself available at all times of day and night. His qualities extended to his desire for knowledge and his eagerness to undertake courses to enhance this. His strong work ethic was exceptional. He held all his fellow members in high regard and great respect, and this came to be reciprocated.

The SES for Brian was a true devotion and proud participation in community life, which gave him immense satisfaction each time he contributed to callouts and emergencies with the crew…..he was one of the team.

Brian was presented with his Ministerial ESM by the Hon Peter Malinauskas, the then Minister for Emergency Services on Wednesday 23 November 2016.

Other awards Brian was presented with included:

  • National medal 1999, first clasp National medal 2007
  • SES life membership presented October 2016
  • SES long service medal 2009
  • SES service awards spanning from 10 to 40 years (30 years presented 2011)

And he was a recipient of the SASESVA Keith Lane Award in 2006 in recognition of his exceptional volunteering role.

Aside from SES Brian worked at Bedford Industries and was an avid 10 pin bowler, winning many trophies, plus an ardent follower of the Adelaide 36ers and the Adelaide Football Club.

Brian was also an avid 10 pin bowler and had a deep love for the Adelaide 36ers and the Crows Football Club.

Mention must also be made of former Metro South member Sandra Preston, who was a close friend of Brian’s and helped him by taking him to appointments and such. And Sandra was involved in Brian receiving the ESM, together with Warren Hicks and Stuart McLeod, retired Chief Officer and former Mitcham Unit member.

After the fires

The bushfires of the 2019-20 Australian Black Summer fire season saw widespread destruction caused by fires of unprecedented magnitude, duration and intensity. In total, 33 lives were lost, more than 3,000 homes were destroyed, wildlife was decimated, and over 20 million hectares of community and farming land and national parks were burnt. All Australian states and territories were affected, with the most significant impact felt in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland. With a warming and drying climate, there is increasing risk of future extreme fire seasons. One important aspect of preparing for future fire seasons is ensuring the wellbeing of personnel who are called on to respond to the fires and protect our communities.

After the Fires aimed to investigate the impacts of the bushfires on emergency services personnel, address key gaps in knowledge about how to foster resilience and coping, and investigate how to deliver effective support for mental health and wellbeing to Australian bushfire first responders. Over 4,000 personnel across fire and rescue, rural fire and state emergency service (SES) agencies across Australia participated in the After the Fires survey. Survey data have been weighted to represent the full population of emergency services personnel in Australia.

AGM 2021

The SASESVA AGM minutes and chairs report for 2021 are now available in the Members only section.

Police Credit Union Better Home Loan Special Offer

Volunteer Inclusion Guideline

An interesting read for volunteers, with the purpose of the paper being "where volunteers are engaged in decision making and their diverse opinions valued and leveraged to

Boylan Lawyers supporting SES volunteers

The SASESVA has partnered with Boylan Lawyers who will provide ongoing service offers to SA SES volunteers.

Boylan Lawyers have offices in CBD Adelaide, Port Pirie, Strathalbyn, Victor Harbor, Port Augusta, Elizabeth, Whyalla and Coober Pedy.

Services would be provided by permanent staff.

Boylan Lawyers specialises in workers compensation, hearing loss, unfair dismissal, family law, wills and estates, personal injury, criminal law and conveyancing.

Members' Benefits

The Association has introduced a new section of our website - "Benefits" where we will list offers available to volunteers, both ongoing or one offs. Offers include National Parks Passes (a code) issued annually, DEFCOM and others as received or sourced by volunteers, such as the AAMI roadside assistance.

SASES Volunteer Charter

SASES Volunteer Charter passed Parliament on Wednesday 31st July 2019 and the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 ( was updated on 8th August 2019).

Having the Charter enshrined into legislation has been an extremely long journey, and both the SASESVA and CFSVA actively lobbied for the recognition of SES and CFS volunteers under a Volunteer Charter which provides a commitment by Government to consult with SES volunteers on any matters that may impact them.

Support over this 5 year journey was forthcoming from: The Hon Tammy Franks MLC; Mr Robert Brokenshire (former MLC); Dr Duncan McFetridge (former Member of Parliament).

A working committee was then established to update the wording and stalled with COVID-19 and consensus on wording. All has now been signed off, in the last month, and it is hoped the charter will be signed by all parties prior to Christmas.

Westfield Tea Tree Plaza Local Heroes – Finalist Warren Hicks

Congratulations to the Chair of the SASESVA and long time SES volunteer, Warren Hicks has progressed to the community voting stage of Westfield Local Heroes for the positive impact he makes in the SES and hence community.

The outcome of the public vote will determine the three successful 2021 Westfield Local Heroes for each Westfield centre, with each of their affiliated organisations awarded a $10,000 grant to support their work to thrive.

Voting opened today, Tuesday 10 August. And we urge all SES volunteers to vote for Warren.

You can vote for your Westfield Local Hero by heading to Westfield Tea Tree Plaza Local Heroes webpage. We also encourage you to share this link with your contacts via email or your social media channels between 10 and 30 August.

Vote for Warren Hicks

The outcome of the community vote will determine the final 3 successful Westfield Local Heroes for Westfield Tea Tree Plaza, who will each be awarded a grant of $10,000 for their affiliated organisations to continue their community work.

Wear Orange Wednesday, 19th May 2021

Australia celebrates Wear Orange Wednesday, a national day of thanks for the thousands of SES volunteers nationally who serve the community 24 hours a day, seven days a week through storm, flood, road crash rescue, and much more.

It’s the national day of recognition to say “thank you” to our SES Volunteers.

So here in South Australia to recognise our own volunteers, why not get involved by wearing orange for this day and hold not a morning tea to celebrate.

After the Fires

You are encouraged to participate in the After the Fires survey:

The survey should only take 20–25 minutes to complete, and it is important that you complete it in a single session.

Your responses are valuable and will provide clear evidence about the impact of the 2019-20 bushfires on the wellbeing and resilience of all emergency service personnel.

Your involvement in the survey is completely voluntary. You may withdraw from the survey at any time. Your responses will be anonymous and will not be used individually.


The AGM will be held on Sunday 25 October 2020. Papers and nomination forms are in the Member's only section.

Participants sought for research on first responder parents with post-traumatic stress

The SASESVA has an association with the Road Home and would encourage volunteers and family members to participate in this research, details which are outlined on the attached flyer.

COVID-19 - Updates for all volunteers

16 March 2020

Regular updates from the SES regarding COVID-19 are available In the members section.

Analysis of South Australia's Fire and Emergency Services

4 February - As volunteers are aware earlier this week the SA Government announced a review across the emergency services and also released an analysis which is attached for your consideration and many aspects are familiar, plus some articles. We have now learnt that there is no deadline on this paper, which has been endorsed by the Minister and whilst feedback was welcome, with no timeline and no commitment has devalued the process and failure to actually consult with volunteers, as was their commitment.

The terms of reference for the Keelty Review are also attached and only written responses will be accepted. As this will result in changes to the Fire and Emergency Services Act we invite feedback from volunteers for collation and presentation on your behalf if you do not want you name mentioned.. Terms of Reference are attached.

Many aspects of the analysis will remind volunteers of sector reform and the proposed Commission.

Once the Keelty Review is completed (end of June deadline) we are sure that changes will then be made to the Fire and Emergency Services Act, in the spring session, especially as those changes recommended from the Holloway Review were deferred in the last session of Parliament, and now that Parliament has been prorogued, all is out the door, even though we have been advised that these changes may still be introduced into the current session of Parliament. Regardless with this further review, and please study the terms carefully, further changes to the Act will certainly occur.


Volunteer Compensation for SES Volunteers

7 January 2020 - The National SES Volunteers Association has been working with the Directors of each of the State and Territory Volunteer Associations for the past 7 days on compensation or reimbursement for out of pocket expenses for SES Volunteers

The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) have now completed their assessment of the situation and the link below shows what they are doing

To read the national position please download this attachment.

Warren Hicks ESM


An interesting update for volunteers.

Return to Work

The Association has now received a letter from the Treasurer advising how volunteers will be protected and copy of the Schedule being used is also attached. It has been a long haul and we will continue to work to ensure volunteers are fully supported and protected.

Emergency Services Workers Protected

The State Government passed the Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults on Prescribed Emergency Workers ) Amendment Act 2019 through Parliament on 23 July 2019 which will see the strongest penalties in the State’s history for emergency service worker (volunteer) assaults.

DEWNR again provides access to National Parks for SES Volunteers 2019/20

As volunteers who have enjoyed access to National Parks know, the format changed in 2019/20 with all bookings now being made online and nominating a specific vehicle for the 12 month period no longer applies.

All you have to do is use the code provided to you by the Association and when booking you must also use your volunteer email address. This is for both visiting parks and booking campsite facilities. Instructions pages are attached to the email, when we issue you with your code.

A reminder, when requesting a code, please send the request via your volunteer email address and also include your contact number.

Instruction pages are also located in the Members Only section.

AGL support for volunteer firefighters and SES volunteers

9 January 2020 - AGL will support active volunteer firefighters and SES volunteers by providing them with a $150 credit per customer on their electricity or gas bills. The support is available to small business and residential customers

Registered and active volunteer firefighters and SES volunteers should provide their volunteer ID number to AGL customer service staff and the credit will be applied to their next bill. The information can be found at

We know that at a time like this, energy bills are probably the last thing on the minds of volunteers

But when they have time to think about their own position, they can contact AGL at their convenience on 131 245 at any time before 7 July 2020 to claim the credit. Our customer service centres are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

We thank all of our firefighters and SES volunteers for their bravery because without their tireless efforts, this disaster could be so much worse.

Telstra extends assistance package to include all State Emergency Service Volunteers

7 January 2020 - Any SES volunteer supporting the bushfires and recovery can register with Telstra, who will cover the cost of mobile phone bills for December and January.

To register you need to call Telstra on 13 22 03

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the SASESVA will be held on Sunday 27 October 2019.

Preliminary agenda, nomination form, financials 2018/19 and minutes of the 2018 meeting are now in the Members Only Section.

Final agenda and proxy form will be added to the section after closing date for nominations.

Statewide Super

Thanks to Statewide Super for again providing all our volunteers with a free year’s subscription to The Advertiser. Link on how to activate your subscription is on the SES website in the Volunteer Portal section.

Statewide Super has also provided the Association with SANFL tickets for volunteers and they can be obtained by emailing: Additionally 20 volunteers were fortunate to recently attend the Port Adelaide / Richmond game, again courtesy of Statewide Super.

Thanks such as this are greatly appreciated by our volunteers.

Return to work

It is now over four years since the introduction of the Return to Work Act 2014 (Version 1 July 2015) and yet details are still pending where our volunteers are concerned, yet paid employees in the Sector have been covered under their respective EBA’s which is most unsatisfactory.

SASES volunteers must be treated equally to paid personnel under this Act and all benefits or concessions received by paid must be extended to volunteers.

The Association has in its numerous follow-ups and discussions reiterated that the matter be addressed as a matter of urgently and additionally that the following areas be included:

  • Recognition of the difference paid to employees that cover both age and other losses of income compared to self employed (which many volunteers are)
  • Recognition of Mental Health (many of the roles undertaken by volunteers exceed that of paid employees such as retrieval of body parts ( e.g. Gladstone ) and in regional areas (Road Crash Rescue as one example)

SA Police Association Campaign Includes All Emergency Sector Workers

This is an extract from a media release:

“The state’s police union is seeking urgent changes to workers compensation legislation for police and emergency services workers that would see claims for psychological injury automatically accepted.

The union wants a presumptive acceptance system introduced that acknowledges the psychological injury occurred as a result of the officers’ occupation, unless their employer can prove otherwise.”

And this is endorsed by the Association for all our volunteers.

As we hear anything an email update will be issued.


SASESVA registered by the Australian Charities and Not-For- Profit Commission

The Association was registered by the ACNC on the 1 April 2016 and has also been endorsed by the ATO for charity tax concessions. Details can be viewed in the Members Only Section.

Trevlyn Smith

Trevlyn Smith Recipient 2018 South Australian Citizen's Award

Trevlyn Smith was presented with the Award by Police Commission Grant Stevens at a ceremony held at SAPOL Headquarters on Wednesday 24 October. Trevlyn was recognised for his commitment over many tears to assist SAPOL and his local community.

Congratulations Trevlyn and to read the citation and see photographs from the function to go National and Units - Awards.

AGM 2018

The Association Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday 20 October 2018 and papers are in the Members’ only section.

Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance

Information regarding the group personal accident voluntary workers policy is now available in the Members’ only section.

Guideline of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment: Volunteers

This policy came into effect on 3 November 2016 and applies to SES volunteers, as SASES is a public sector agency as defined in the Public Sector act 2009.

The intent of this Guideline is to assist in ensuring persons acting as volunteers in public sector agencies are managed and otherwise treated in a fair and equitable manner.

Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council conference Perth September 2018

Dr Darja Kragt to present findings on emergency service volunteers annual turnover of about 15 per cent or more than 10 a day on average in Western Australia. Her research has been based on in - depth interviews and we hope to obtain a copy of the full paper. Don't forget though that Western Australia has the Commission, and this was one of the models looked at when Sector Reform was being mooted for South Australia.

Read article from The West Australian 
NSESVA presenting at AFAC September 2018
Lived Experiences of Emergency Services Volunteers Living in Western Australia
Slides - Lived Experiences of Emergency Services Volunteers Living in Western Australia


On behalf of CFS, SES, MFS and SAFECOM, the Emergency Services Leadership Group, has approved SAFECOM sponsoring this event which is being organised by the Don Dunstan Foundation to raise funds for their Mental Health programs.

The event is called AdMental and it aims to explore how marketing and advertising can improve mental health and wellbeing specifically for first responders. Multiple advertising agencies will pitch on how to sell wellbeing in relation to “First Responders”.

The audience will be given an opportunity to vote on the winning advertisement and will be followed by a panel discussion featuring mental health and marketing experts.

Tickets are $20 each. And the links for those interested in attending to book are: or

Election 2018

Over the last few months the SESVA has actively liaised with both the Minister for Emergency Services and the Shadow Minister over issues that could impact the Sector and looking for support with the lead up to the State Election.

Then in February the Chair wrote to the Premier, Leader of the Opposition and Nick Xenophon of SA Best as the three key players in the House of Assembly. Response was received from the Minister and a verbal acknowledgement of being keen to work with us and address our letter from the Shadow Minister.

The letters are in the Members Only section for your information. We also mentioned that after the 2014 Election we had the Sector Reform period and that the trust that was eroded is yet to be fully restored.  We also wanted better support and recognition for our volunteers. To highlight the service provided we provided a break down of taskings and key events since 2014.

AGM 2017 Minutes and New Committee Contacts

Minutes for the 2017 AGM held 12 November 2017 are now available in the Members Only section.

New committee member contact details are also now available in our Contact section.

Update on CFA Victoria Sitution and concerns of the Victorian SES Volunteers

Many volunteers have asked what is happening in Victoria and as a consequence your Association has established a section in the Member’s only section, which include many articles which have appeared in the press to date, together with updates from our Victorian counterparts who are also concerned about potential implications.

Emergency Services HealthEmergency Services Health for SES Volunteers

Emergency Services Health is a new, not-for-profit private health insurer that is designed exclusively to enhance the physical and mental health and wellbeing of Australia’s emergency services community. It’s backed by Police Health, extending the quality cover previously police officers and their families could access to our colleagues in the emergency services. As a member of the SASESVA volunteers are eligible to join the fund.

For over 80 years now, Police Health has been proud to stand behind the police community, supporting their health and wellbeing. We know what it takes to support people across emergency services. So it’s not surprising that workers and volunteers in emergency services have asked us for the same straightforward and comprehensive cover that police and their families enjoy.

Information in the Members’ only section.


Volunteer Scholarships

Individual SES volunteers or a group can apply for an AIDR Volunteer Scholarship, with information, including details of courses available, including Advance Diploma Public Safety (Emergency Management) or a list of many skill sets courses listed in the Members’ only section of the website.

Applications close Monday 16th October 2017.

2017 Road Home Art Exhibition.

SASESVA support the 2017 Road Home Art Exhibition. Learn More

Special General Meeting

Information for the Special General Meeting is now available in the Members’ only section.


Brian HunterBrian Hunter awarded Ministerial Emergency Services Medal

Brian Hunter was presented with his Ministerial ESM by the Hon Peter Malinauskas, Minister for Emergency Services on Wednesday 23 November 2016.

Brian is regarded at Metro South as one of the most reliable and inspiring individuals for the way he always gives anything a go. Brian outstandingly meets all criteria for recognition and using words from the nation criteria, he extends tolerance, justice and fairness to all his peers and the community he serves. Congratulations Brian!

Read more

Fair Work Amendment (Respect for Emergency Services Volunteers) Bill 2016 passed 10 October 2016

The bill was introduced to amend the FW Act to protect emergency services bodies and their volunteers. Read the amendments in the Member’s only section together with the Fair Work Amendment (Respect for Emergency Services Volunteers) Bill 2016 [Provisions]

Coles Supports SASESVA

ColesSouth Australian residents will be able to help communities affected by natural disasters by making a donation at their local Coles supermarket and showing their support for volunteers who perform critical rescue work across South Australia.

From today until Tuesday, 1 November, customersin South Australia can donate to the State Emergency Service Volunteers’ Association at Coles, with funding going towards training and developing volunteersin the event of an emergency and natural disaster.

Coles State General Manager Dave Pieterssaid: “We are incredibly grateful for the volunteers who continually rise to the occasion and lead the service at local level, which we saw during the recent flooding and extreme storms. “We’re making it easy for our customers to offer their support by enabling them to donate directly at our checkouts in South Australia,” he said.

South Australia’s S.E.S. Volunteers' Association Executive Officer Susan Caracoussis welcomed the support from the community in assisting their efforts in responding to the devastation caused by natural disasters.

Read more

Queen’s Birthday Award Recipient

Congratulations to Tony Sumner, Hallett Unit on receiving an ESM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

2016 Keith Lane Award Nominations Now Open

Nominations are being sought for the 2016 Keith Lane Award and information on how to nominate are on the awards page.

Nominations close 1 October 2016.



2015 Keith Lane Award Recipient

Cameron Nolan has been announced as the winner of the 2015 Keith Lane Award. Cameron receives a trophy and $1,000 from the sponsor of the award, the Police Credit Union. Congratulations Cameron.

Read more about this year's recipient on the Awards page.

South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Strategic Plan 2015 - 2025

Download the Strategic Plan (937kb .pdf)

This plan articulates how Project Darwin will deliver priority strategies over the coming decade. Its approach has been designed to lead and guide the sector to a ‘future state’ and the priorities are to be delivered in conjunction with continuous improvement of operational and business as usual activities.

The strategic plan is a consequence of the decision to put both the Sector Reform under the ESRO model and appointment of a Commissioner on hold, and instead, the COs are now leading the process, which will be actively driven from the centre.

Key points include:

  • A gradual process to change
  • COs being retained, still reporting to the Minister and being responsible for operational outcomes of their respective agency
  • An integrated support model to be set up for corporate and support functions, together with integration and alignment of incident management doctrine, training, technology and accreditation
  • One Registered Training Organisation
  • 21 priorities  have been listed
  • Align to AFAC strategic directions, etc

Additionally, the ESRO Reference group has been abolished, together with all of the proposed Working Groups, and in their place specific reference structures will be established for each of the priorities. It is imperative that volunteer input will be sought.

As such the SASESVA will be submitting a response, to the Strategic Plan, direct to  the CE of SAFECOM on behalf of all volunteers. We would welcome your feedback, comments etc, as all information forthcoming will be included in this response, a copy of which will also be posted on the Members Only section of the website.

Please feel free to contact one of your  Association representatives and we will endeavour to answer any questions posed or ensure the information is obtained.

Thanks to DEWNR for again providing our volunteers with National Parks Passes for 2015/16

Response has been so overwhelming that  have already issued 95% of our annual allocation of passes.   We know from some of the comments received that the passes are certainly appreciated and put to good use, so to those volunteers who have received a pass, please enjoy and ensure that all the  conditions set by DEWNR are adhered to.

Plus a reminder, if you change your vehicle, please let DEWNR know, and a replacement pass will be issued with your new vehicle registration details.  It is important that this is done and not left until the following year, as  between the SES and CFS this caused some delays with processing due to the number involved.

Be Wary of Scammers

The SASESVA  has issued a warning to the community to be wary of opportunistic scammers claiming to be seeking donations on behalf of the SES.

Phoning seek donations is not something that either the State Emergency Service or the Volunteers Association do.
People  need to be wary fundraising in this manner.

Regrettably  scammers always seem to prey on community generosity, especially  in the wake of disaster and typically endeavour to catch out people who genuinely want to help others.  

If people are suspicious they should report the matter to the police.

New Section - National and Units and Contributions from Members

With the demise of Frontline, due to loss of the non SES  funding support, we are unable to continue its production and distribution at the present time.

To fill its void, we have introduced a section, National and Units, where any stories or photographs forwarded to us, will be uploaded as received.

Of course, this section can be expanded to include other items of interest and suggestions are most welcome.

Australia Day Award Recipients

Congratulations to James Trevlyn Smith, Streaky Bay Unit on receiving an ESM and to April Young for being named Salisbury’s Citizen of the Year.


2015 AGM Documents

Documents for the 2015 AGM including draft agenda are now available in the members section.

Last Cab To Darwin Movie Tickets

Last Cab To DarwinCongratulations to John Trigge (Mt Barker Unit) and John Edge (Yankalilla Unit) for winning the “Last Cab to Darwin” movie tickets courtesy of Icon Film Distributors. As we receive more tickets, we will let volunteers know via the website.

In LAST CAB TO DARWIN, Jeremy Sims (Beneath Hill 60) directs Australian acting legends, Michael Caton and Jacki Weaver against the backdrop of the stunning Australian outback and alongside the outstanding Mark Coles Smith, Ningali Lawford-Wolf and Emma Hamilton. Caton gives the performance of a lifetime as Rex, a Broken Hill cab driver who, when told he doesn’t have long to live, sets out on an epic journey to Darwin in a bid to die on his own terms. Along the way he discovers that before you can end your life you have to live it, and to live it you have to share it.

Filled with hope, humour and heart, LAST CAB TO DARWIN takes us on a journey in cinemas from August 6, reminding us that it’s never too late to start living.

Jet Flight Simulator Adelaide

Jet Flight Simulator supports SES volunteers. Sample voucher and discount details can be located in the members section.


Nominations now open for 2015 Keith Lane Award

The 2015 recipient of the Keith Lane Award will be presented with his/her award at the Annual SASESVA Awards Dinner being held at the Adelaide Sailing Club on Saturday 24 October.

So nominate that worthy recipient now – details in the Keith Lane Award section.

Seven News Weather Report Featuring SES Volunteers

Seven Weather SegmentAired 3 December 2014

Features a number of our vollies from units in Adelaide’s east. Filmed at Morialta Conservation Park.

Thanks to Brenton Clarke and Michael Baker for helping make this happen.

Around 200,000 viewers saw this last night.

Emergency Services Sector Reform

02/12/2014 - Much has occurred over the last month and the Minister is now moving to the next phase, with the appointment of his Project Team and the Reference Group where SES volunteers will be represented by 3 members.

This means that any concerns will still be raised and that at all times we will be fighting for  volunteers and the communities they support.

To this end, all papers sent to volunteers are to be included in a folder “Sector Reform” in the Members only section.  These will include papers emailed to all volunteers and other communiques.

2014 Award Recipients2014 Keith Lane Award Recipients

24/10/14 - Chris Tarran and John Lawrencehave been announced as joint winners of the 2014 Keith Lane Award. They will  each receive an individual trophy and shared $1,000 from the sponsor of the award, the Police Credit Union. Read more about the recipients on the Awards page.

Ad Campaign - Drive 25 Past Roadside Incidents

26/08/2014 - An advertising campaign to educate motorists that they will be required to travel at 25km/h past stationary emergency service vehicles showing blue and red flashing lights commenced on Sunday, 17 August 2014.

Advertisements, which feature Hallett SES Unit's Shona Mayne and representatives from the four other emergency service agencies, are to appear in newspapers, bus shelters and digital advertising.  Radio advertisements are also part of the campaign.

The new law is effective from Monday, 1 September 2014.

Frontline Magazine - August 2014 Edition Now Online

The August 2014 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

AGM 2014

Annual General Meeting Saturday 8 November 2014 Papers and nominations forms are now available to members.

Special Kathmandu Offer for SES Volunteers

05/10/14 - From Thursday 9 October until  Monday 27 October on presentation of your ID card. Details in the members only section.

SASES Volunteer National Park Pass Benefits 2014/2015

23/07/14 - SASES Volunteer National Park Pass benefits 2014/15 Information is now available in the members section Please Note only 200 passes are allocated to SES volunteers and over 100 have already been issued.

2014 Keith Lane Award

23/07/14 - Nominations are now being sought for the 2014 Keith Lane award, which is again being sponsored by the Police Credit Union.  Nominate that volunteer who you believes  goes beyond the call of duty in the roles he/she undertakes.
The award will be presented at the Annual Awards Dinner to be held on Saturday 18 October 2014 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Frontline Magazine - April 2014 Edition Now Online

The April 2014 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Frontline Magazine - January 2014 Edition Now Online

24/03/14 - The January 2014 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.


Gavin Tunks2013 Keith Lane Award Recipient

26/11/13 - Gavin Tunks wins the 2013 Keith Lane Award.  Read more about the recipient on the Awards page. Congratulations Gavin!

ABC1 Catalyst Disaster Behaviour Special

19/11/13 - ABC1 (TV) Catalyst program will be broadcasting a special feature on Sunday December 1 at 7.30 called “Dont Panic,” which uses live scenarios to demonstrate how people behave in disasters and why plans, and practicing plans, are so vital. See below for a trailer:

Agenda for 2013 AGM Now Available For Members

30/10/13 - The Agenda for November's AGM is now available in the Members Only section..

SPAM - Stress Prevention and Management for SES Volunteers

04/10/13 - If you've experienced a traumatic situation and need to talk it through, call the Stress Prevention and Management (SPAM) helpline for SA Emergency Services volunteers. Watch the SPAM video in our Videos section.

Frontline Magazine - July 2013 Edition Now Online

03/08/13 - The July 2013 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Unit Managers Forum 2013

The forthcoming SASES Unit Managers Forum is shaping up to be the best ever!

A Unit Managers Forum Working Group was established by the Chief Officer to put together a package that better meets the needs of the service and its members. With representation from SASES volunteers, staff and the Volunteers Association, the working group has been working together to plan a forum that will provide the best possible value to attendees.

The Unit Managers Forum 2013 will be held on 26 - 27 October at the new state-of-the-art Police Academy in Taperoo.

Police & Emergency Services Games

2014 Australasian Police & Emergency Services Games

I am delighted to invite competitors from all eligible Police and Emergency Service agencies from throughout Australasia to the Melbourne 2014 Australasian Police & Emergency Services Games to be conducted between 19-24 April, 2014.

It is our mission to utilise the best available sporting venues for the 50 plus sporting disciplines on offer and to provide a social environment to perpetuate the tradition of friendly competition and inter-agency camaraderie. The Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre will provide international standard facilities for swimming, badminton, basketball, volleyball, squash and table tennis. The new Lakeside Athletics Stadium will host track & field with the picturesque parklands around Albert Park and the nearby bay beaches becoming home to an array of other sports. Some sports such as surfing, angling, mountain bikes and shooting disciplines due to their very nature will be held in regional centres. Competition is in open and age graded categories catering for all levels of ability.

- Danny Bodycoat APM Inspector

Your World Fitness Member Benefits

30/06/13 - Your World Fitness supports SES Volunteers. To find information on the offer and services provided, go to the Members Only section of the website.

National Parks Passes

16/06/13 - The Department of Environment Water and natural Resources has continued its partnership with the Association and is again providing a limited number of National Park Pass Cards to SES volunteers.

This partnership is really appreciated by our volunteers and we thank DEWNR for its ongoing support.

Information and application form is available for downloading in the Members Only section.

Kathmandu Again Supporting SES

16/05/13 - Details and voucher in the Members only section. Offer valid from Thursday 16th May to Monday 3rd June.

Resilient Australia Awards 2013

07/05/13 - Are you aware of a project or initiative that makes the community safer, stronger, more resilient and better prepared to manage any emergency situation? What have you achieved that may inspire and benefit other communities? The 2013 Resilient Australia Awards may be the perfect way to promote and recognise this project.

Entries for 2013 Resilient Australia Awards are now open. See this website for further information. Entries must be submitted by Friday 5 July, 2013. [ Invitation to Apply | Brochure ]

Frontline Magazine - April 2013 Edition Now Online

02/03/13 - The April 2013 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Frontline Magazine - January 2013 Edition Now Online

02/03/13 - The January 2013 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.



SES Recruitment Video

23/12/12 - Check out the new SES recruitment video, filmed at South Coast SES unit, focusing on road crash training. You can view it via our newly launched Videos section.

Robert Bowley2012 Keith Lane Award Recipient

3/11/12 - Bob Bowley wins 2012 Keith Lane Award.  Congratulations to Bob and the SASESVA is also delighted to announce that the Police Credit Union has agreed to again sponsor the 2013 Keith Lane Award by presenting the recipient with $1,000.

More Benefits for SES Volunteers

18/10/12 - Kathmandu offer to SES Volunteers during the period Thursday 25 October to Thursday 11 November.  Voucher  in members only section.

30/05/12 - NUTS ABOUT FOOD supports  SES volunteers.  The company specialises in nuts, beans, seeds, snacks, confectionary and groceries.  For full details go to the members only section.

Casual Vacancies

3/11/12 - The Association currently has some casual vacancies on its committee, as a consequence of changes to our constitution in August to reflect the SASES restructure.  As a result it was agreed that the fairest option was to call for nomination and the form may be downloaded from the members section.  

Should anyone be interested in joining the committee please nominate and if they have any questions, please give me a call. A lot of committee work is undertaken via email and telephone.  We meet face to face 3 weekends per annum and hold teleconferences on a Friday evening so as not to clash with training.

Frontline Magazine - October 2012 Edition Now Online

23/10/12 -The October 2012 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Annual General Meeting of the SASESVA

24/09/12 - Annual General Meeting of the SASESVA will be held on Sunday 21st October at 2.30p.m.

The Agenda, Nomination Form, Proxy Form can be downloaded from the Members Only section of the website

2012 Keith Lane Award

24/09/12 - Reminder nominations for the 2012 Keith Lane Award close on Friday 12th October 2012.

Frontline Magazine - July 2012 Edition Now Online

15/08/12 - Frontline is back! Our July 2012 issue is now available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Extraordinary General Meeting of the SASESVA

28/07/12 - An extraordinary meeting of  the SASESVA is being held  to amend our constitution to reflect the Region and Administrative changes that have implemented by the SASES.

Voting is by ballot paper with the returning date  for votes being by close of business on Friday 31st August 2012.

The Agenda, Ballot Paper and Proxy can be downloaded from the Members Only section of the website.

Photos of Dog Operations Unit

08/05/12 - A new set of photos from the Dog Operations Unit are now available in the image gallery.

SES Volunteers Charter

03/05/12 - The SES Volunteers Charter aims to promote the interests of SES volunteers when decisions directly affecting their interests are made. The Charter is being reviewed by the Volunteer Services Branch of SAFECOM, with feedback being sought from SES volunteers, the SES Volunteer Association, SES staff and SAFECOM staff.

We encourage you to provide your views to us on:

  • whether the wording of the charter outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party to ensure the best outcomes for volunteers
  • any examples of where the charter has resulted in better outcomes for volunteers
  • any examples of where the charter has not worked to ensure the best outcomes for volunteers.

A copy of the current SES Volunteers' Charter is available here on our website for your reference in this regard. Your feedback would be appreciated and is to be forwarded to Susan Caracoussis  by the 31st May.  Email details are:  or

Legal Advice For SES Volunteers

13/04/12 - Michelina Guarna has established  GUARNA LEGAL and is pleased to support the SES by offering the firm’s legal services at a preferential rate to SES members and their families. In addition to offering a 10% discount off its normal charge out rate, the firm offers a free 15 minute telephone advice service to members and their families.

If you need to talk to a lawyer, call Michelina Guarna on (08) 8373 6473. The firm’s office is located at 140 Greenhill Road, (corner Unley Road), Unley.

Frontline Magazine - April 2012 Edition Now Online

02/04/12 - The April 2012 edition of the Frontline magazine is out now. As this will be the last edition of Frontline, we will soon be setting up a section for "National and Units" on the website. Stay tuned and we'll keep you posted.

Frontline Magazine - January 2012 Edition Now Online

02/01/12 - The January 2012 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.



2011 Keith Lane Award Recipients

16/11/11 - Colin and Judy Schriever have been announced as joint winners of the 2011 Keith Lane Award. Click Here to learn more about the inspirational work they've performed for the SES Strathalbyn Unit. Congratulations Colin and Judy!

Colin and Judy Schriever

Discussion paper (Towards Improved Volunteer Emergency Service Response Capability in the Community – in Members Section)

2/11/11 - This discussion paper was compiled by a CFS Group Officer, who also happens to be a SES Unit Manager.

The paper is a solution to problems that may exist in the Onkaparinga are, only and as such would not necessarily work in all regions.

These discussions are in the initial stages only and we seek feedback from volunteers on which way we should address the paper.

We are most disappointed that this paper has been distributed without background being provided to SES volunteers due to the fact that in some areas closer working relationships are already exist.

Volunteers are invited to provide comments to the Association and may also consider completing the Monkey Survey. Please email:

E-mergency Connect Program Information website

18/10/11 - E-mergency Connect Program launches a new communication website for information about the Program and its interrelated Projects.  Content includes, answers to frequently asked questions and a members log in section for more information such as the governance and key dates.

Photos From 2011 NDRC Now Online

08/10/11 - Just uploaded: 5500+ photographs from this year's National Disaster Rescue Competition. Check out the extensive set now in our Image Gallery section.

Frontline Magazine - October 2011 Edition Now Online

22/09/11 - The October 2011 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

2011 AGM Documents Now Available

30/08/11 - The 2011 Annual General Meeting agenda, nomination form and proxy form are now available for download to our members. Login at the Members section to grab the papers.

Frontline Magazine - July 2011 Edition Now Online

30/06/11 - The July 2011 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Directives, Policies & Procedures

21/03/11 - Our members section now houses the SASES Directives, Policies and Procedures, including Group 1 Consultation Documents in Draft. Click on the new tab in the Members section to access them. New National Parks Passes documents are also now available.

National Disaster Rescue Competition

16/03/11 - We've introduced a new section on the website for the National Disaster Rescue Competition (NDRC), to be held in July at the Adelaide Showgrounds. Further information will be available on this page in the coming months.

Frontline Magazine - April 2011 Edition Now Online

22/03/11 - The April 2011 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

New Merchandise Now Available

07/03/11 - New items have been added to our Merchandise section. There are three different waistbags available for purchase. Fill out the order form to get yours today.

Emergency Services Guidelines for Risk Managing Fatigue

10/01/11 - Consultation has been extended til 30 April 2011. Responses to the Association for compilation into a paper would be appreciated. Check Members section for all the files.


Frontline Magazine - December 2010 Edition Now Online

21/12/10 - The December 2010 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Paddy the PlatypusPaddy's Now Available

15/11/10 - Paddy the Platypus, the FloodSafe mascot, is now  available as a 28cm soft plush toy, as pictured.  His name appears on his overalls and the SES logo is on the overalls, sleeve and helmet.

As seen in our Merchandise section, Paddy is being sold  for $20 and can be used as giveaway, gift or sold as a part of a promotional activity.

Orders can be placed by emailing the Association

Peter Cumberworth2010 Keith Lane Award Recipient

7/11/10 - Peter Cumberworth has been announced as the 2010 Keith Lane Award recipient. Click Here to read more about this inspirational young man's story. Congratulations, Peter,

Frontline Magazine - Oct '10 Edition Online

27/9/10 - The October 2010 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

New SES Chief Announced

22/9/10 - Emergency Services Minister, Michael Wright, today announced the appointment of Chris Beattie to the role of South Australia's State Emergency Service (SES) Chief. Read the complete press release here (.doc file 74kb)

Emergency Services Guidelines

15/9/10 - Emergency Services Guideline for Risk Managing Fatigue consultation until 31 October 2010.  Information may be obtained from the SAFECOM website via . This website also provides the facility to email feedback to SAFECOM

Paddy the PlatypusPaddy Available Early November

7/9/10 - Paddy the Platypus, the FloodSafe mascot, will soon be available as a 28cm soft plush toy. As can be seen from the photographs, his name appears on his overalls with the SES logo on the overalls, sleeve and helmet.

As seen in our Merchandise section, Paddy will be sold for $20 and can be used as giveaway, gift or sold as a part of a promotional activity.

Orders can be placed by emailing the Association.

Changes To Members Section Logins

31/8/10 - To allow for a change which enables all volunteers to access the Members section, from today your login will now be your SES Membership ID followed by your surname as your password. If you are still having troubles logging in please contact Susan Caracoussis.

SES Training Green Paper

08/7/10 - SES Training 'Green' paper and introductory letter are now available in the Members section of our website.

Frontline Magazine - July '10 Edition Online

24/6/10 - The July 2010 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

Discounts for SA SES Volunteers

19/6/10 - SES volunteers have been offered a discount at Plantmark wholesale nursery. Upon presentation of their id card they will get the same discount as if they had a green pass card at the nursery. For more information and the location, they can check out the Greenpass website.

SES Consultation Paper

4/6/10 - The SES consultation paper is now available for our members.

Frontline Magazine - April '10 Edition Online

1/4/10 - The April 2010 edition of the Frontline magazine is now out and available for reading right here on our website. Remember you can read any back issue at any time in the Frontline section.

National Parks Passes For Members

SES Volunteer Parks Passes will be distributed on a "first-in" basis to SES Volunteers who apply. The intent of the Parks Pass is to recognise the direct relationship between the SES and our National Parks. You can find further details and an application form in the Members section.